Project description INTERNET PROJECTS

Microsoft development, database development and database administration, web portals and OO development...

Web calendar, PHP


MS Access, VBA

Private, Zürich

PROJECT LINK: Not available
People in the PROJECT: Stefan Troehler
PROJECT Duration: 1 months
PROJECT Value: SFR. 10'000.00


Project portfolio

Creation of an internet application for a private person in the Zurich area. Club premises in the Zurich area can be rented by private individuals or clubs via the Internet. For this purpose, a web calendar is created that can be used to check whether the club is still available at the desired time. If it is free, the club can be reserved. Payment for the venue is made by credit card and must be made no later than seven days before the planned event.

  • Creation of an internet application for a private person in the Zurich area.
  • A club in the Zurich area can be rented by private individuals or clubs via the Internet.
  • For this purpose, a web calendar was created, which can be used to check whether the club is still available at the desired time.
  • In a second step, the club premises can be reserved.
  • Payment for the venue is made by credit card and must be made no later than seven days before the planned event.
  • If the interested party does not have a credit card, he will be sent an invoice with the same payment deadlines as for credit card payments.
  • According to the terms and conditions, a booking cannot be canceled free of charge.
  • If the payment deadline is not met, the interested party will receive an email with the request to transfer the amount within 48 hours or to pay by credit card.
  • If this deadline also expires, 50% of the amount will be charged to the interested party.
  • The bar will be released to other interested parties.
  • At the provider, the reservations are transferred to Outlook, while the interested party receives a confirmation email.
  • In the event of a cancellation, the entries will be deleted from the Outlook calendar.
  • Requirement Engineering.
  • Implementation of customer requirements using PHP.
  • Create the credit card payment.
  • Monitoring of payment deadlines.
  • Generate the invoices.
  • Monitor payment of bills.
  • Interface to Microsoft Outlook.
  • Enter the dates.
  • Delete the appointments.
  • Creation of reminders.
  • Sending the terms and conditions and the confirmation email.
  • Technical documentation of the extensions, instructions for the customer to install the game.